Every January gyms are packed and motivation is at an all-time high. People set ambitious goals. Lose weight, get stronger, eat better, wake up earlier. Yet, by the second week of February, 85% of those same people have given up. The spark fades, the excuses creep in, and the cycle repeats year after year.
So why does this happen?
At CrossFit Civitas, we’ve spent the last 11 years watching what separates those who succeed from those who don't. It comes down to three things: delayed gratification, discipline, and the ability to play the long game.
The Instant Gratification Trap
We live in a world of convenience—food delivered in minutes, entertainment on demand and results expected now. But fitness, health and personal growth don’t work like that. Strength isn’t built overnight. Fat loss isn’t immediate. Mastering a new skill takes months, even years.
The people who stick with their goals understand that delayed gratification is the key. They embrace the struggle, knowing that every rep, every meal and every workout is a small investment in their future success.
Most people, however, are wired for instant results. When they don’t see drastic progress in a few weeks, they get frustrated and quit. They look for shortcuts instead of trusting the process.
Discipline Over Motivation
Motivation is fleeting. It’s what gets you started but it’s also what fades when the excitement wears off. Discipline is what keeps you going when you don’t feel like showing up.
• Motivation is hyped-up energy in January.
• Discipline is showing up in February, March, and beyond, even when it’s hard.
This is why we push consistency at CrossFit Civitas. It’s not about smashing one workout—it’s about showing up again and again until it becomes a habit and part of your routine. Once you become invested in the process, the results handle themselves.
Why 85% of People Fail
Most people fail at their resolutions because they:
1. Rely on motivation instead of habits – They wait to “feel” like working out instead of making it part of their routine.
2. Set unrealistic expectations – They expect to drop 2 stone in a month or deadlift double their body weight in weeks. When progress is slower than they imagined, they quit.
3. Don’t track progress – Small wins matter. If you don’t celebrate them you’ll feel like you’re failing when you’re not.
4. Lack accountability – It’s easy to let yourself off the hook. Having a coach, training partners and a community (like CrossFit Civitas) keeps you committed.
5. Haven’t developed mental toughness – Resilience is built through struggle. The ones who push through the discomfort are the ones who tend to see best results.
The Solution: Play the Long Game
The people who succeed at their goals aren’t the ones who have superhuman discipline or are genetically gifted. They’re the ones who commit to the process no matter how slow the progress feels.
• They show up when it’s cold, dark and they don’t feel like it.
• They focus on who they are becoming, not just the number on the scale or the weight on the bar.
• They understand that small, consistent efforts over time lead to massive results.
So, if you’re on the verge of quitting your New Year’s resolution. Don’t! Instead, shift your mindset. Stop chasing instant results and start building habits that last a lifetime. You'll then look back and realise your results have been life changing.
At CrossFit Civitas, we don’t just train bodies, we train mindsets. The strongest athletes aren’t the ones with the best genetics. They’re the ones who keep showing up.
Are you ready to be one of them?