Welcome back to another edition of the Civitas newsletter! We're through (what felt like) the longest month of the year and the days are ever so slightly feeling longer and we're almost through winter!
We have a lot coming up in the gym this month and so much to be excited for. Firstly, the Civitas Committed Club is underway and you guys and girls are already racking up classes to keep yourself accountable and earn your status as a gold or platinum #CCC member this month. Feb is a short month so if you manage to get 12-16 classes in this month then you'll build up some real momentum and lasting habits to take you through what will hopefully be a very successful year for your fitness.
Free Friend Week is next week! We have plenty of you bringing your friends and we can't wait to meet them all and show them what Civitas is all about. Remember, please let a coach know via your booking apps if your friend is coming with you to class that day. Your friend gets unlimited access to classes all week so bring them as many times as you can so that they can meet all the coaches and get the best idea of how things work and why you all love Civitas so much. Classes will have workouts to cater for bigger numbers (that doesn't mean they'll be easy). Not booked your friend on yet? There's still time! click here www.crossfitcivitas.com/freefriendweek
Then we have the Team Series/Open. 60 sign ups so far and we're excited to team you all up, assign captains and vice captains and let the banter and friendly competition commence. Community points count this year so make sure workouts are done on time and submitted on time and be helpful judging other people's workouts to ensure you can earn the most points for your team in an attempt to bring home the bragging rights this year!
Thursday night LIVE is coming! Once your teams are created you'll be able to make polls in your chats and decide as a team who is going to represent you in TNL. This is always a fun evening at the gym where we watch the live workout announcement from CrossFit in the gym and then selected members of our teams give it a crack in front of us all. If you missed out on last years Thursday Night Live - click here to check it out
The remainder of the workouts for this open will be completed in FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! All classes on Friday will be the open workout that week. If it's particularly busy (or they announce a workout that is a logistical nightmare) you'll be able to book heats rather than classes on your apps so that you know exactly when your workout is.

January saw the Civi's in competition mode as we sent 12 to Strength in Depth Origins at the NEC in Birmingham. The team took part in some gruelling workouts throughout the weekend and did the gym proud. A huge congratulations to Ben and the team! Enjoy a few days off before getting back into it!
As we move throughout the year the comps come thick and fast. For those of you that want to book things in the calendar and like to have a competition booked in to stay motivated. A few I know of are:
Whitehorse Spring Series @CrossFit Devizes on the 12th (rx) and 13th (scaled) of April.
Watch The throne @CrossFit Monarch on the 10th and 11th of May.
South West Regionals - Qualifier sign ups live soon.
When more get announced we'll make sure you are informed.
First and foremost, The Open! If you want to sign up to the global leaderboard follow this link games.crossfit.com/open and if you're not sure if you should sign up or not, click this link to see why you should https://www.facebook.com/share/p/19pbQGgvG8/
Josie Keenan

Congratulations Josie. Your energy and enthusiasm make you a pleasure to be around and your positivity rubs off on all of those around you. Not only do you enjoy every moment in the gym but you also knuckle down and work your socks off and that's why you see the improvements that you have done over the past year. Keep up the good work.
